Success Self Help Tips

Providing success & freedom seekers ways to achieve their 'wildest' dreams ...

Monday, April 03, 2006

Expressing Gratitude

Gratitude has been very much on my mind, as it always is, but it’s particularly meaningful for me right now and in the last couple of days.

Over recent weeks I was feeling especially positive and grateful for what I already have in my life, and looking forward with optimism and expectation for good things unfolding. Together with stating my clear intention for what I want, it has played out perfectly for me, before my very eyes – ‘Voila!’ - a wonderful opportunity appeared for me to be part of a fabulous Internet Marketing Case Study Program. And, I’m in and away! …

There will be many benefits galore and further opportunities so I’m totally on Cloud 9! … Law of Attraction in Action! …

So, its timely that I’ve just written an article on Gratitude for my recent
E-Newsletter edition. I included it here for you. Enjoy your reading and have fun with expressing your own Gratitude ...

Have You Got the Gratitude Attitude Thing Happening?

Don’t you just just love the whole Gratitude thing? – I remember when I first read about it in the context of Personal/Spiritual Development and Law of Attraction, it really captured my imagination. It made so much sense.

Whenever I feel myself getting off course a bit or out of kilter (or going into a mini meltdown about something I’m trying to grapple with, like internet marketing for example! – I’m human too!), I reach for the Gratitude Attitude and express thanks for all the great and wonderful things I already have to be thankful for in my life, right now.

It’s such a great reminder and major grounder. It makes such an amazing and immediate difference to how you feel about things. It's the purest and quickest way I know how to get myself shifted into a positive mindset, to 'Be' in the ‘Moment’, and change my energy frequency.

Gratitude can be your best friend and an amazingly effective tool - and fun at the same time! Take a moment right now and look around you and express your Gratitude for what you have, and feel the magic ...

If something really great has happened and you’re saying thanks, watch out for the physical sensations and tingles that well up in your body in that moment of glee (remember a couple of editions ago we talked about watching out for and learning more about reading the feelings and physical sensations in your body and what they mean – all part of your deepening self awareness).

The more you feel grateful, the more you radiate an energy that attracts more about which to be grateful. When you’re genuinely feeling grateful, in that very moment, you are at the same time creating a space, a vacuum to invite and call in abundance and prosperity into your life.

In her book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’, Louise Hay says ‘Expressing gratitude for what we already have enables it to grow’. So true …

Here are some practical things you can do to get your Gratitude practice happening regularly –

* At night when you’ve gone to bed, for a few moments as you relax, reflect back on your day and express gratitude for the good things that happened. Perhaps even some of the not so good things as you reflect positively on the lesson that it may have brought to your attention and its possible hidden meaning.

Then reflect and give thanks for the broader things – your loved ones/family, your friends, your beautiful home, your wonderful lush, invigorating garden, your great job, or the opportunity to be your own boss, work from home and build a great business you’re passionate about and totally love … and so forth.

* In the morning, look forward to the day and before setting your intentions for the day, reflect on and give thanks for all the great things in your life.

* You can keep a daily Gratitude Journal or Notebook where you set aside a few minutes every day and reflect on what happened for which you are grateful. Do this at a set time, so that it becomes a joyous habit.

* Take a Gratitude Walk, or turn your daily walk into a Gratitude Walk – by using the time for thinking and developing the gratitude and appreciation mindset.

As your eyes focus on the immediate things that come within your close range, as you walk along, you can truly appreciate what ‘being in the moment’ is like.

This is a wonderful time to look at and take in all the wonders of nature around you – the gardens, the plants and flowers, the colors, the scents, the birds, the blue sky, the fresh breeze ... This is also a fabulous way to appreciate the true boundless, natural abundance of nature.

As you continue to walk, keep your mind on all the positives in your life ... from the beauty and variety in your neighbors’ gardens, the changes from day to day, the way your local council maintains communal park areas ... to the way walking makes you feel invigorated and alive … to your appreciation of all the wonderful people in your life.

Give special thanks to the marvel of how magnificent your body is for working the way that it does ...

Keep your positive Gratitude thoughts coming right through your entire walk and you’ll feel fabulous and refreshed, both emotionally and physically.

* And, now let’s focus in on you by having you express gratitude to yourself, for yourself - your talents and abilities, your accomplishments today, your sense of humor, the wonderful qualities you bring to your interactions with other people, and how you make a difference just by being you.

This is a very empowering exercise. Try it. You can even do this while looking in the mirror at yourself and affirming how deserving you are of all good things.

Practice these techniques so that they become automatic and second nature to you. You’ll be so glad that you did … And then, look out for the positive results as they come flowing into your life ...

To Your Success!

Kathy Baker

© Copyright Kathy Baker –
You have permission to reprint this article on your web site or in your e-zine as long as it is not edited in any way and you leave the signature intact with this article.

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