Success Self Help Tips

Providing success & freedom seekers ways to achieve their 'wildest' dreams ...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Living Your Passion, Your Life Purpose & Making Money at the Same Time

Another great question came recently from one of my valued Subscribers who asked – ‘How can I achieve my higher potential & at the same time get paid good money for my passion, my hobby, which is writing jingles & slogans’?

In response, here are some thoughts & suggestions that I hope you’ll also find helpful -

The challenge for creative people who pursue their life purpose is how to turn their passion into their livelihood. This is a biggie! ...

You’re achieving & living your higher potential if you’re actually already doing what you love doing & are passionate about it. Congratulations for that! It often takes courage to pursue your life purpose & true calling. You're obviously looking for answers & to find a better way ...

Many people have found their life purpose when they've taken time to reflect & see that something or some hobby they've been doing all along for friends (like coaching, crafts, gift wrapping, floral arranging, gourmet goodies, or whatever ...) fr*ee or charge, is a tradable commodity.

The challenge is then to make the 'internal' shift & put a 'value' on your creativity, talent & contribution - & believe it with conviction!

When we start out in whatever we pursue, it’s good personal & business karma to give generously of yourself & your talents, which you have already probably done. But, there comes a time when you must decide to take action to make this a paying proposition, if that is what you desire.

You may need to go 'inside' & ask some vital questions of yourself & make some 'internal' shifts to achieve what you want 'externally'. You may have some beliefs, conscious & subconscious, that you are/or aren't fully aware of that may be holding you back. Our 'outer' results are completely correlated to our 'inner' thoughts & feelings about what we want & desire.

Ask yourself these questions, in this sequence -

* What is it that I Do NOT Want? What are my thoughts, feelings & emotions around this?
* What is it that I DO Want? What are my thoughts, feelings & emotions? Our thoughts, feelings & emotions directly influence our behavior & results.
* Why do I Want this? Really connect with the emotion of your Why, you're compelling reason.
* What are the beliefs I hold to be true around these areas - positive & negative/limiting?

Try to identify the limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. To get what you want, to achieve your goals, your highest potential, you have to clear any limiting beliefs you may have.

Limiting beliefs stop us from taking action. They get in the way & create blockages to our achieving the success we desire & deserve … They stand in your way of making the changes you really desire.

When you've made the 'internal' shifts, then the 'external' actions you pursue (packaging your proposition, getting referrals, networking, actions to 'attract' 'ideal' paying clients who are more than happy to pay for your services...) are more likely to get you the tangible results you want.

Visit my website often - - as I add a lot of helpful content & resources there (fr*ee & otherwise) about achieving & living the life of your dreams using the principles from the Universal Law of Attraction & Quantum Physics.

While at my website, you could also subscribe to my fr*ee 'Your Success' E-Newsletter & you'll get regular tips on how to attract what you desire into your life & get what you want faster & with more ease.

You’ll also have access to my new fr^ee E-Course titled 'How to Achieve a Success Mindset & begin Creating & Manifesting All of Your Dreams & Desires' - which takes you through the process of Self Coaching & going 'inside', clearing limiting beliefs, & raising your vibrational frequency & ability to manifest.

You also may like to consider enlisting the support of a Coach for a period of time to help you move through this process faster & more effectively.

I hope this helps. If I can be of further assistance, just let me know.

Wishing you ALL the very best of Success!

Here's to You having it ALL!

Best Wishes

Kathy Baker

© Copyright 2006 Kathy Baker –
You have permission to reprint this article on your web site or in your e-zine as long as it is not edited in any way & you leave the signature intact with this article.


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